Weekly Blog

Week of 3/11-3/15 Updates

    some of the last of my designs, a sea turtle and a gigantic peep

This week, i was able to crochet another batch of stuffed animals. i used a fluffier type of yarn, so they came out bigger and softer. i decided not to make an entirely different 3rd set of designs, just for simplicity's sake. i also finished my essay up until the 4th section, which i decided to add this week. i should be able to get this done before monday, and i hope to finish the entirety of it so i have some time to relax and plan ahead next week.

I learned a lot more about what components make up our brain, including the limbic system and the prefrontal cortex. the development of these components is what has allowed us as a species to be so advanced, and feel the wide range of complex emotions we are able to.

My biggest struggle has still been finding a place to drop off the stuffed animals. i think i have got this mostly worked out, and i’m not running on the same deadlines i was a few weeks ago, so i’m not struggling with it as much as i was before.

I decided to split up the stuffed animal gifts so there would be two batches. the fluffier kind is going to be its own batch, and the safari animals are going to be the other. i figure that makes the most sense, just because they are vastly different in design.

I would say a high from this week was getting a clearer picture of what i was going to do with my crochet gifts, as that was definitely stressing me out at least a little bit the past few weeks. i think a low from this week would have to be that work has become a little bit more dull over this week, as i have pretty much finished crocheting, so most of the work i’m doing now is research.

Next week, i want to have completely finished my essay, including any final edits. i also intend to buy materials for the exhibition space i am going to be presenting at. lastly, of course, i want to present my exhibit for the school to see!

Working on my senior project this week, i was able to learn a new type of crochet stitch, the bobble stitch. i was also able to avoid procrastination and have one of my most productive weeks yet. finally, i gained a much better understanding of the components that make up our brain, and that make us unique as a species.

Other Updates

    i practiced my other creative skills, and decided to make a crochet object to keep

I was walking into my elective classroom when i saw something that caught my eye. it was a very beautifully folded paper crane (pictured in the photo on the left). i saw they had folded it using a post-it note, which was already a square, perfect for origami. i picked up a sticky of my own and decided today i would make a paper crane for the first time in my life. i understand how to follow along with origami patterns well, but my big fingers seem to mess up the folds a lot, no matter how hard i try. i made my own, and it is also pictured in the photo on the left. i will let you guess which one is mine. to be fair on myself, the second time i tried to fold one it actually ended up looking a lot better.

lastly, i realized i had some time to kill this week since i was ahead of where i needed to be for my project, so i thought i could still practice crocheting but make something that i could keep. i am in the process of making a little cat ear beanie, and had to make sure it fit on my head right, so i didn’t crochet the whole thing in vain.